Brandon to Moose Jaw
Got up this morning at 7:45. We showered-shaved, etc and had a leisurely breakfast. We had French Toast and Simba, as usual chose tuna flavored Friskies for breakfast. Left the park at about 10 a.m. On the road out from the park we were in the midst of a Marathon Run. Runners were on one side of the road and we were on the other. Stopped briefly at the finish station and talked with the folks there. Traveled on Canada Hy 1 west through western Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan. Landscape was very flat. Dominated with grain farms growing wheat, barley, and canola. Also, several cattle ranches. Stopped at the Saskatchewan Welcome Center and talked with the lone attendant there. Stopped at a small roadside park for lunch and met a couple traveling back to Alberta from Winnipeg. Arrived at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan at 4 p.m. local (5 p.m. Appleton).
265 miles today; 1148 total