It rained all night and most of the day. Ran out of propane, so switched tanks and took empty one to the Tesoro station for a refill. This is the infamous gas station where the little dog was snatched by an eagle. A reporter witnessed the event and the story was published in the Anchorage newspaper. Apparently the wife was walking the dog off leash when it happened and while she was distraught, unknownst to her, her husband raised his arms in a victory salute. She didn’t see him do it but when the paper came out he was in deep dodo. Simba thought that it was great that there was one less dog in the world, but she decided to not go outdoors in eagle country, as she didn’t know if eagles knew the difference between cats and dogs. After lunch we decided to explore Valdez some more. At a gift shop we watched a film about building of the pipeline and another film about the 1964 earthquake. We also visited the Valdez Museum and looked at all the interesting displays. After that, we drove around and discovered the airport and a salmon cannery. We then drove around the end of the inlet to the pipeline terminal on the other side of the fjord, however, since 9/11 you are not allowed to visit the terminal as this sign attests.
38 miles today; 5580 total