Tuesday 6/24/03
It rained hard all night and into today. Everything is wet in Seward. After breakfast, we toured all the little shops in downtown Seward. Talked to some folks from the U.P. The wife grew up in Kaukauna. We gassed up and headed north up the Seward Highway. Just north of town, we saw a pick-up towing a 16’ Scamp with Texas plates. We passed them and pulled into a turn-out and they followed. They were an older couple … he is 81, from Ramondville, Texas. They had driven to MN to buy their Scamp. We had a nice roadside visit, examining each other’s trailers and complementing each other on how wise we were to have purchased Scamp trailers.. We continued on through Anchorage and Palmer and finally dry camped in a roadside turnout near Chickaloon, AK. Simba was disappointed to find that there weren’t baby chicks there.
202 miles today; 5322 total